NHI critical of Dept of Health announcement


Tadhg Daly, NHI CEO stated: “It should be noted today’s announcement will not deliver any additional nursing home capacity. The fundamental issue in care delivery for the nursing home sector remains outstanding five years post this Government assuming office. With the sun setting on the Government’s term, it is extremely disappointing the serious shortcomings in the funding model to support residents requiring nursing home care, which are threatening the sustainability of the majority providers, the private and voluntary nursing home sector, were never addressed during its five year term. The average fee provided for public nursing home care is 58% more than that payable to private and voluntary nursing homes. 


“Independent research has highlighted the fallacies of the present funding model, the Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal). Most recently, a DKM Economic Consultants analysis for the Department of Health highlighted in stark terms the funding model is ad-hoc, lacks logic and is not fit for purpose. It is imperative the incoming Government addresses the very serious issues raised within the DKM analysis and delivers a funding model that supports the majority providers of nursing home care – private and voluntary nursing homes, to maintain provision and meet growth in requirement for this specialist care. NHI’s General Election 2016 campaign will push for political commitment for a funding model that recognises the reality of costs incurred to provide nursing home care